Life with Hollie

Hollie was born on May 30, 2006. She is so much fun and she changes everyday. I have created this so family and friends from far and wide can keep up with how she is doing. And because I don't want to change my whole website we will pretend that this site is called Life With Hollie and Jeremy. Jeremy joined us on October 13, 2008. I am sure we are going to have a blast raising these two.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Just a quick update.

We went to the doctor today and everything looks great. I drank lots of juice before the appointment so the baby would be really active and hopefully the doctor would be able to tell us the gender. Well he was really active and boucing off the walls, it was like he was doing flips in there and having a great time.
Yes I said he, my doctor is 100% sure, so let the shopping begin. It will be fun buying a whole new wardrobe. Hollie is really excited, even though she really wanted a sister, I told her she got to be the big sister and she seemed okay with that.


Blogger Kim said...

Wow I didn't know you had a blog. Good to hear from you and excited to hear you are having another baby. We have lots of blue stuff if you want us to send some your way

5:45 PM  
Blogger Michelle and Jack said...

Yeah! You and Ben will LOVE having a little boy. You seem to be keeping up with the same birth order/gender as Shannon, Monica and me. Must be a family thing.

3:53 PM  

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