Life with Hollie

Hollie was born on May 30, 2006. She is so much fun and she changes everyday. I have created this so family and friends from far and wide can keep up with how she is doing. And because I don't want to change my whole website we will pretend that this site is called Life With Hollie and Jeremy. Jeremy joined us on October 13, 2008. I am sure we are going to have a blast raising these two.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

I have said it before and I will say it again. My daughter does not have a normal pain threshold. Last Sunday we almost had what I felt was a near tragedy. When we were leaving my parents house and I was putting on her shoes I looked at her foot and she had what looked like a brown marker streak down the middle of her big toe nail. I looked a little closer and couldn't look anymore. I told Ben - Please tell me that is not a huge spinter in her nail. He looked and sure enough it was. It started at the tip of her nail and went all the way down under her nail to the quick. I immediately freaked out. We asked her what happened as she hadn't cried all day and didn't appear to be in any pain and her answer was - I don't know.

Where did that happen - I don't know. I think because I reacted like we should be taking her to the ER right away she realized that she should be hurt and started limping.

Ben tried to take it out but the end was right under her nail and he couldn't get ahold of it. So we put a Dora bandaid on it and took her home. I didn't sleep all night, every time I closed my eyes all I could see was this big splinter in her toe and I imagined the doctor having to cut her whole nail off her foot to get it out. I called her regular doctors office in the morning to see if they would even touch it and they said no, call a podiatrist. Luckily we have a friend who is a podiatrist so I called her, couldn't get an appointment till late in the afternoon so I had to think about what she might do to get this thing out all day. I was a nervous wreck, even took my first sick day off from work. I think unless Hollie happened to look at her toe and see the bandaid, she forgot about it all together.

Anyways, our wonderful doctor friend, who by the way couldn't understand how she was running around on this foot with the giant thorn in it and didn't even know where it had come from, was able to just pull it out, she had to cut the nail a bit lower, but it came right out. Hollie didn't even cry - I - almost passed out.
This picture is fuzzy but you can tell where it is and how big it is.


Blogger Daniel & Jennifer said...

Holy Cow!! Looks like Hollie is one tough cookie! Just what you need a couple days before the new baby :) I'm glad the doc was able to pull the splinter out!

12:02 PM  
Blogger Michelle and Jack said...

Too squeamish for me...

8:55 PM  

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