Life with Hollie

Hollie was born on May 30, 2006. She is so much fun and she changes everyday. I have created this so family and friends from far and wide can keep up with how she is doing. And because I don't want to change my whole website we will pretend that this site is called Life With Hollie and Jeremy. Jeremy joined us on October 13, 2008. I am sure we are going to have a blast raising these two.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Happy Father's Day (a little late)

We hope everyone had a great Father's Day. We had a great weekend. Monica and I surprised the guys by planning a trip to Houston to see one their oldest friends and his family. He has 2 boys (and 1 on the way) and they are the cutest red heads I have ever seen. We did some shopping and lots of drinking and had a great time.

Hollie is getting to be more independent everyday. She is turning into a real little person with a great big temper. She is starting her terrible twos already (i think) and I am not enjoying it very much. She can scream for a very long time and you would think her throat would hurt, but apparently not. It is kind of funny sometimes though.

I took this picture today nd thought I should share it with everyone - sometimes I wonder if this is really my daughter - She's so darn cute!