Life with Hollie

Hollie was born on May 30, 2006. She is so much fun and she changes everyday. I have created this so family and friends from far and wide can keep up with how she is doing. And because I don't want to change my whole website we will pretend that this site is called Life With Hollie and Jeremy. Jeremy joined us on October 13, 2008. I am sure we are going to have a blast raising these two.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hollie had a very busy day today. She had her school program at noon and her ballet recital tonight. She did very good in both of them.
Apparently I didn't take many pictures at her school program, I was video taping and Ben was chasing Jeremy around the gym, maybe an aunt or grandma could give me one to place here (hint, hint).

Kennedy's recital was last night and she did very good also.

Both of their gymnastics demonstrations are next Monday so stay tuned for more pictures.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

On May 3rd at 9:26 am we welcomed Kayden Alyce Dyer into the world. She is beautiful. She also has a great set of lungs and sweetest little cry (although they all start out that way). Monica and Kayden came home today and they are all starting to get used to their life together. Kennedy is the proudest big sister and Karson has no idea what has happened but doesn't seem too bothered yet. I can imagine lots of good times ahead for all of us.