Life with Hollie
Hollie was born on May 30, 2006. She is so much fun and she changes everyday. I have created this so family and friends from far and wide can keep up with how she is doing. And because I don't want to change my whole website we will pretend that this site is called Life With Hollie and Jeremy. Jeremy joined us on October 13, 2008. I am sure we are going to have a blast raising these two.
May was a very busy month in the Bearden house.
First of all was Hollie's first dance recital. She did a great job. Her class was just so darn cute I was speechless.
Next was her gymnastics demonstation. She is a little more talented in gym but doesn't listen much better. I think next year we might focus a little more on gym as I think she gets bored in ballet.
Finally my little girl turned 4. I can't believe it has been 4 years, time flies when you are having fun and 99% of the time I am having a blast.
So Happy Birthday to my BIG little girl who has made my life 100% better in all ways.
And just incase you were wondering, yes Aunt T did it again this year. You go Aunt T!!